Hidden Features of Latest 5G Phones

5G is the next-gen version of the world’s most popular wireless network, which will be made available to all mobile phones and other devices. 5G brings with it a whole host of new features and improvements that will offer faster data speeds, as well as lower latency and accelleration. It also involves several new security features to protect your data, boost privacy and ensure your communications are safe from hackers. However, there are some differences between 4G and 5G networks that consumers should be aware of before choosing a new smartphone or adding on more data plans. Here’s a list of some of the hidden features of latest 5G phones:

Fastest Speeds ever achievable

Async/Dvb-S/T is the world’s most popular compression technology for mobile phone signals. However, it wasn’t always that way. 5G networks will use different compression techniques to boost channels and improve the speed of the signal. This means that the network reaches higher speeds and can handle more data at the same time.

Massive Data Storage

Smartphone memory is limited, so data has to wait its turn to be stored. With 5G, this wait is eliminated. With massive data storage, you no longer have to worry about running out of space on your phone. Every phone will come with an expandable memory card that can hold up to 128GB. To store that massive amount of information, the phone will use a data compression technique called DE-CODE (Data Encryption and Decoding in Military Signalance).

Greater Privacy than 4G

The NSA can’t see your messages, your photos or even your location. However, it seems that other countries are not as confident in their privacy practices as we are. In many areas of the world, such as Europe, the U.S. and Asia, the radio spectrums used to transmit data are different from those used to receive the data. This means that when you communicate with someone using a 5G network, you are not communicating with the rest of the world. This can be a privacy risk, as your communication could be monitored by the authorities or other malicious parties.

Security features to protect your data

Some of the security features that come with 5G networks include Signal Security, where the encryption key is stored on the device, Device Encryption (patent pending) which lets you lock down access to specific apps, and Message Authentication Code (MAC), which can help strengthen the security of messages sent between two devices.

New Networks with improved coverage

As we’ve been using 4G networks for the past few years, we’ve become quite used to their coverage. With 5G, things will be different. 5G will be available only on new, dedicated 2.5G/3G/4G/LTE networks that can provide much more coverage than existing 4G and/or 3G networks. These new networks will also be much faster, since no 4G/3G/2.5G/4G/LTE network will be able to handle the network load of 5G.

What’s in store for 5G?

In order for 5G to be successful, the new network technology has to be available to as many people as possible. That’s why the rollout of 5G will begin in urban areas and then expand to less populated areas over time. To get the most out of 5G, you will want to be located in an urban area with good reception. Also, make sure to keep your data plans the same or lower than they were with 4G.


For all the new features and improvements 5G promises, it’s important to remember that it’s not a new network type itself, but a modification of an old one. Furthermore, not all of the new 5G features will be available on all networks or at all times. Once the transition to 5G is complete, 5G users will see faster data, increased coverage and security improvements, but these will not be available on the 4G networks that currently exist.

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